>>13632099So the way my pops tells it, The Rockers had just jobbed out and on their way back to the locker room a kid, about 15, leaned out over the guard rail and smacked Marty Jannetty on the back, then Jannetty starts slapping the fuck out of the him. My dad didn't know if it was a work or not at first and eventually stepped in and told Marty to knock it off. So Shawn gets in my dads face and starts mouthing off, keep in mind that my dad was former Navy and 6'3". My dad tells Shawn he's not part of the show and to get back stage and Shawn swings on my dad who decks him. Then a bunch of security guards get in between everyone to diffuse the situation. Hearing stories about Shawn and Marty when they were in the AWA I kinda believe my dad.