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I've been to shows many times and see this every commercial break. But the trick here is that the only people they trust to stand out there for all that time are people who are really over. Roman does it too. If you notice as well on TV, there's always a really nice graphic they show now before they cut to the commerical, to advertise who it is that the segment will be about when it comes back. They only trust their stars to go out there and wait in the dark while the arena does the normal commercial break "give us your best U Cant See me" or "give us your best Rock eyebrow impression" games. Then the lights come back on and the show continues like normal. It distracts the kids and keeps the fun going despite nothing happening.
In AEW, literally nothing happens during commercial breaks. It's dead silent and Justin Roberts comes on the microphone to eat up the dead airtime. "How are you folks doing tonight? Are we having fun? Please tell me you're having fun"