>>13636842>/vg/Never been ther. I always thought thats just /v/'s jannetty
>/pol/go back
>/v/One of the boards that didn't change that much over the years
>/vt/ I thought thats an undercarder
>/b/legendary board that overstayed its welcome
>/int/ Based sometimes
>/a/Console war faggotry board but can be based. Weeb version of /pw/
>/trash/Never been there but I expect it to be /b/ but with less porn and with worse threads
>/sp/Not a huge sports fan but its decent. Maybe even great for the midcarder that its trying to be
>/co/Undercarder that got overpushed because everyone expected him to skyrocket to become one of the top babyfaces
>/mu/Kinda like the music version of /pw/ but more tame and less shitposts
>/pw/Once a great board that got flooded with console wars and rape obsessive retards that cant be banned. Not as good as it once was but still got its spot because they built a name for themselves