>>13673578That one scene in Gremlins which they supposedly removed in later versions.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fPnZ4vu08aA&pp=ygUOR3JlbWxpbnMgaG9nYW4%3DThat one guest appearance of Jarrett, AJ Styles & Abyss on Jeff Foxworthy's show:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9GMBThqEGmw&pp=ygUfSmFycmV0dCBhaiBhYnlzcyBqZWZmIGZveHdvcnRoeQ%3D%3DThere's been a few brief references to wrestling by comedy acts and rappers over the years. Russell Peters & Dave Chappelle referenced WWF & The Rock back in the early 2000s in their standup in passing, and here's Cena with Murs in a music video:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ulP-ienje3k&pp=ygUOSm9obiBjZW5hIG11cnM%3DI figure most media like movies or shows don't talk much about wrestling even during its popularity since all the characters like Undertaker, Stone Cold, DX, The Rock, etc are copyrighted names. Plus wrestling itself is such a niche market with the exception of the golden era & attitude era. Most Hollywood writers would not be familiar with wrestling lore anyway. The best you'd get are wrestlers guest appearing on tv shows or movies like when Austin appeared on Nash Bridges in the late 90s: