>>13724868What is it with you people and constantly haggling on about what a 78 year old poop whore fetish man liked being the be all end all of all things in wrestling?
He booked that notoriously awful Fiend v Seff HiaC match specifically to finish like it did, made the fucking Fiend a champ, booked Cena into never-ending reigns, Booked Romans never ending coconut community theather,.. etc etc.
Speaking of Seff, some of you, not you specifically but people commenting in general, shitting on Seff being faggy when it is a well documented fact that Vince went full sail on Maximum Male Models - were it not for the controversies MMM might be tag champions by now. Seff dressing up is exactly what Vince would have wanted.
That and you don't let anyone cook or settle. It's shit like this that says you want to erase the midcard at all cost, nothings ever good enough unless it's on the main event constantly, it's never getting over yadayada bullshit spam that guarantees shows will have 45 minute talking segments because they don't have midcards but then you ain't happy with that either whine that there's too much talking. Rant over.