>>13778560I don't believe that there are any good guys and there never was. The government that the USA has right now, isn't that dissimilar from China. The American version just happens to be worse. At least with the Chink social credit system, you just have to acknowledge that Xi Jinping is a god among men, and you don't ever talk shit about the Chyna government. The American social credit system makes no fucking sense because it revolves around how progressive your are but what's considered progressive today, may be labeled as racist or sexist tomorrow. Chyna has a steady hierarchy of rules that never change.
USA is run by shizos who just make up new rules based off of what they fear in the current day.
I don't know much about Russia to comment, other than they can legit nuke us if they felt like it and they're showing a lot of restraint. Putin prays to a Black jesus and honestly that entire Christcuck thing is a scam, & fake & gay.