>>13841481>Rock>50+ and working part-time>Cody>has said he doesn't plan to wrestle much past 40>turns 40 next yearOkada and Ospreay are younger and full-time. Rock will probably be gone again after Mania. He's on the Lesnar/Goldberg deal at this point: great short-term to pop some ratings, but does nothing for the long-term, and could even prove to be a negative if he's not putting over the full-time guys. As for Cody, probably the best case scenario is that he wins the title at Mania and holds it for a few months, after which he'll be out of the main event scene for good as he winds his career down. So, again, he has questionable long-term value. If you wouldn't rather have Ospreay on a long term deal right now than Cody, you're blind.
As for Kairi vs Mercedes, it's not even close. Kairi will be 36 this year, and is really only of value to WWE as part of a tag team. She's not a main-event-level singles talent at this point, which Mercedes is. Mercedes is only 32 and still in her prime. She's also more marketable to a U.S. audience than any joshi. The proper comparison for Mercedes isn't Kairi, it's Jade.
There's a real debate to be had here, but not if people are just going to engage in stupid console war shit.