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52KiB, 400x679, daniel-bryan-bryandanielson-bryandanielson05-1324938011.jpg
Quoted By: >>13849689 >>13849695 >>13849773 >>13849778 >>13849834 >>13849893 >>13849994 >>13850451 >>13850485
Shankcoon (or whoever you guy/s are) let me explain something to you. YOUR MEME IS DEAD. We know this. STOP. THINK ABOUT IT for a few minutes about how we know this.
I went to sleep when the CM Punk thread was posted. 7+ hours ago. It has 12 commnets currently. YOUR MEME IS DEAD. You recently bumped another thread that has ZERO response after 4 hours. All your threads are dimeless recycled/reposted/boring and samefagged in COPE.
You've been samefagging here and a thread on different board it appears. Claiming/pretending we have been seething. Personally i've been asleep for 7 hours so how could I have been seething?
Your act is boring. You're autistic. YOU MAKE NO WAVES. So seriously why would we care? you samefag on a dead board in mostly ignored threads and PRETEND it's amazing.
All you've made me do personally is spend past 10 minutes murking your threads. But it's worth it to eventually see a loser in life like yourself, hours and hours of pathetic incel samefagging be 404'd.
Enjoy wasting your life samefagging you sad dumb fuck LOL.
I went to sleep when the CM Punk thread was posted. 7+ hours ago. It has 12 commnets currently. YOUR MEME IS DEAD. You recently bumped another thread that has ZERO response after 4 hours. All your threads are dimeless recycled/reposted/boring and samefagged in COPE.
You've been samefagging here and a thread on different board it appears. Claiming/pretending we have been seething. Personally i've been asleep for 7 hours so how could I have been seething?
Your act is boring. You're autistic. YOU MAKE NO WAVES. So seriously why would we care? you samefag on a dead board in mostly ignored threads and PRETEND it's amazing.
All you've made me do personally is spend past 10 minutes murking your threads. But it's worth it to eventually see a loser in life like yourself, hours and hours of pathetic incel samefagging be 404'd.
Enjoy wasting your life samefagging you sad dumb fuck LOL.