>>13858991Wrestling is just not like it used to, and this isn't taking a jab towards AEW or WWE, it's just what reality is. Back in the day, you had plenty of 20 something monsters interested in pro wrestling, which is why you had someone like Brock Lesnar come out of nowhere and win the WWE championship at 25 and he looked believable and dimes doing it, but that is sadly no longer the case.
Not only is there no young wrestlers (young here defined as younger than 30) that have the impressive looks of a Cena or a Lesnar, or the technical skills of a Benoit or a Michaels, they are all untrained skinny midgets only interested in doing spots and flips. This obliges the promoters to use what they already have beyond the 40 year age which was considered fossil age in pro wrestling, simply because there is no one believable that their aging stars can actually put over.
Just think of it realistically, name a wrestlers below 30 years of age who is actually a believable main eventer in either AEW or WWE? MJF? He was a champion for over a year, it was THE worst reign and worst story told in wrestling in the last 20 years. Daniel Garcia? Not even his biggest supporter thinks he should be anywhere near a title that isn't ROH's. Austin Theory? Great physique, OK work, he might actually be the future star of WWE in 5 years from now, but he needs an insane amount of work to get there, even being an upper mid carder is a tall order for him right now.