Good morning and evening to all degenerates, shitposters and bastards around the world! This is "The Ever Faceless" Anonymous, reporting to you live in the afternoon, bringing you the latest updates in our thread-based wrestling action, /pw/ World Championship's Thursday Night Threaddowns!
After last week's wave of challengers, our taping ended with Frognald Jump as champion! However, we're off to a quick start, as "The One" Billy Gunn gives himself a championship that matters for once!
>>13868388Who said ass men can't be the shit? Unfortunately, much like his popularity, Billy Gunn's reign ends all too soon as one Bo "The Positive" Dallas takes over!
>>13869155But no amount of thumbs and smiles can prevent this swift defeat: hailing from the halls of Kayfabe, the mysterious enigma "Vacate" takes his hold in yet another federation!
>>13869188A champion in every fed known to man, Vacate/Vacant has won and lost every title there is! An unsung warrior who never seems to be going away!
But Lexis "The Strap" King adds another notch to that record!
>>13869266Now does anyone else wanna tell him about that mess of a beard? In that regard, he's a peasant!
But all kings crumble, as Konosuke "Take-a-Shit" Takeshita takes... a shit! On the champ!
>>13869411Don't you just love it when the tin is exactly what it says? No muss, no fuss! Or, uh, maybe not in this case.
And a returning legend, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin arrives with Spongebob Plushpants to clean up Takeshita! Now that's what I call hard cleaning: a stone cold sponge with a rough rub!
>>13869577And most recently, Maki "The Invitation" Itoh takes the title from "Stone Cold Sponge"! The mistress with a mouth knows no fear, as she'll take on anyone despite being so small!
That's all for this update! Now, a word from this thread's sponsor: Diet Coke, now with 5000% more sugar! Don't worry, the bottles still say "0 calories", so you can drink with ease! Probably!