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samefagged all day - no waves - shankcoon discord FAIL lmfao

No.13894756 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
nicely done shankcoon! ... NOT! LOL. You moron. Another 24 hours and you have accomplished absolutely FUCK ALL. Keep wasting your time/life dipshit. You won't get rid of us and we are gonna keep mocking you. Again... NO WAVES. 5 years of daily effort for free. No growth. No momemtum. No profit. Just some incels in a disorcd samefagging ignored threads on dead wrestling board all day LMFAO. MASSIVE L. Now get triggered and spend some money trying to own us. Just like all your other prior attempts of fail. You no wave making bitch despite dedicating your life to gay fanfic retard.

Bmping threads on dead board that nobody cares about all day DOES NOTHING. Pokemon on billboard did NOTHING. A youtube comment and fat literal who 45 year old looking balding dude streamer guy does NOTHING. Signs in crowd 3x DID NOTHING. You did your worst and it was NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Nash addressed years effort in 4 mins and LAUGHED IT OFF.

You samefagged ALL weekend and you have made NO WAVES. LOL