>>13911788"Liberals" Leftoid commies are dictators and lackeys in heart, scared and averse everything they can't control like truth, their liberty is a liberty by caveats and rules they can dictate and police.
See, the truth or even reality doesn't matter to an ill mind, and nothings more ill than a mind set on upholding conformity. Deviance or "chaos" isn't allowed, not the kind free speech, mockery, and tomfoolery can bring. Everything they promote is an oxymoron once it's out come is out of their set boundaries and the discussion is turned from the actual issue to what the boundaries are like "You can't say nigger/faggot/kike" instead of addressing the problems.
This was very apparent in the covid years and if you haven't picked up all the clues by now of what happened there, you ain't ever gonna wake up:
>"Trust the science climate change and everything else we tell but not the kinda that argues with our set results and mandates, just trust vax, don't ask."> "No sir, you need to do everything that is generally considered to promote poor health and lead to flus like staying in doors, don't meet your families for mental health, wear a mask on your face longer than is historically recommended,> no sir, don't take "horsemedicine" that suppresses inflammation - just stay home and repeatedly take the plastic tests that tell you if you are sick even if you are not>No you can't talk about this on social media or else where or protest it publicly that's against the tyrannical rules we want you to accept So where did people talk? 4chan and the other few places they can still do it pseudo-anonymously (ip logs and shit do apply). That's what scares the lefty, a place where someone can rebel against them.