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No.14048147 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What went wrong with wrestling and when did the fanbase predominately become nerdy faggot shit? I'm not exactly old or a credible wrestling historian, but growing up wrestling was always viewed as violent entertainment for meatheads and retards, nowadays it's on the same tier as comic book shit for nerds that gets laughed at. The fanbase are a bunch of whiny twitter bitches who just want a le fun cute inclusive experience, which is ironic since the sport's roots are the polar opposite of all that. Even the wrestlers themselves are becoming extremely mellow and meek, feels like testosterone is non existent in the ring, and most of the wrestling community will piss and shit in their nappies if someone even remotely macho like Reigns hogs the spotlight instead of a heckin' relatable dork who likes video games j-just like me! like Will Assplay.
Is this just another side effect of social media becoming prominent or what?