XIX is one of my favorites but it's basically an everything went wrong show.
>Only Digital PPV so it did shit buys
>Kurt gets completely fucked and can't even do the match
>Company has to pivot unsure if they want to end with Hogan vs McMahon or Rock vs Austin
>Hogan vs McMahon ends like every SD to the point the feud gets tired so it's not even worth it
>Austin vs Rock gets slotted as the ME position
>Kurt is supposed to lose the belt on SD, but begged Vince that he was alright for the Mania match
>Austin gets coked up and on Red Bulls because he's getting nervous
>Gets an anxiety attack
>Company goes with Angle vs Brock at this point, like the night before.
>Now people don't know if Austin can do the match
It's really amazing, it's a shame the show came out as the company was on the downswing, because I think only X7 tops it.