>watching Raw as a young mark
>Big Match John comes out
>recounts woe upon my name across all generations and exclaims a prayer in some type of ancient language
>crowd is going fucking nuts
>starts doing Shiva’s Dance of Destruction
>cutaway to a live India reaction, they’re literally murdering themselves in the streets
>don’t get it, I’m a white Christian
>John sits in the middle of the ring in a Lotus position
>starts screaming my name, address, birth date, and my death date
>crowd rushes into the ring and hoists John up, as if he’s their messiah
>John starts singing the national anthem
>cutaway to the Hulkster with a tear streaming down his face as he holds a wounded bald eagle in his arms
>goes back to John
>winks at me
>show ends
Anyone else remember this episode?