>>14327954LOL this faggot is just name dropping a bunch of corporate garbage. Just replace grunge with boy bands & his entire view of what the 90s were would be nothing but what Corporations want you to believe. I remember the 90s being extremely edgy so something like ECW & MTV's liquid television (Beavis and Butthead being the most popular) as peak 90s culture, in terms of they wouldn't have ever existed in any other era aside for the 90s.
Who fucking watches Friends & Seinfeld aside for Jews? A lot of so-called popular American culture was generally liked by one demographic, a bunch of rich fucks from New York in tiny hats. Funny he mentions grunge when that was counter culture and Attitude Era was part of the 90s era counter culture movement. It shared over lap with the punk, gangsta rap & extreme sports subcultures of the 90s & early 2000s
>>14327985Attitude Era was so popular that even people outside of the USA knew who Chyna, Jericho and even the Godfather were. I know this first hand because I was living in Japan during the entirety of the AE.
Why is it only the wrestling board where I hear this bullshit that Attitude Era wasn't popular when outside of the wrestling board, it's the only era anyone ever talks about aside for Hogan era.
>>14327986Isn't the Rock the highest paid male actor in the world? I don't that proves anything because his movies suck dick but he ain't a nobody.