>>14349315It is simply irrelevant, because the truth of the matter is that you're not really as interested in discussion as you'd like me to believe. The truth is, you're just another totally insufferable fuckup who comes here because you have nowhere else to go; see, this site is full of people who care more about the discussion than the thing they're discussing. Nobody on /co/ watches cartoons; nobody on /v/ plays video games; nobody on /fit/ lifts weights; and it's pretty much a given that nobody on /pol/ engages in politics or reads political theory. These people's enjoyment of the site comes solely from being a part of the in-group, repeating the correct opinions, regurgitating the shibboleths, finding "subtle" ways to convey their bitterness and misanthropy to a crowd of people who are just as empty as they are. It all reminds me of Ebert saying that a lot of fans are basically fans of fandom itself, that it's a security blanket for the socially inept, a substitute for social skills. And just like anyone who falls into this rabbit hole full of shit that is imageboards didn't have much going on in their lives, a lot of these types are much the same elsewhere online; I've met quite a few and they were all lonely, from a disfunctional family, poor, dropouts, no career prospects, few opportunities, plain shit at socializing; It is what it is. You can't dispute this. You don't end up like this because you have things going on in your life. Successful folks use social media to boost their IRL image and clout, they don't use it to escape their depressing reality like permanently online dweebs do. You cannot deny this. I know you'll try to, of course, because I'll have hit a really big nerve of yours, but in the end, it is what it is, and facts always prevail over feelings.