>>14375696Brian and Bix were both known smarks, Brian was actually like going to indie shows and hanging out backstage and shit, while Bix was mostly lurking on forums. They share a birthday, and are from the same town. Brian actually went to 3rd grade with Bix's sister. They started the 6:05 podcast, which was pretty good to start, but you can always tell Brian thinks Bix is kind of a dweeb. Eventually, it's pretty clear Brian kicks him off the show, but has Bix bow out gracefully, saying he's too busy. Bix kept editing the show for a couple years or something. I don't know what was up with that. Bix is a weird weasely guy, and Brian has talked shit about him a lot as Bix tried to bury/cancel him and Corny in the IWC, like a really gay millenial version of the Meltzer/Corny feud, and Brian says he's not sharing a lot of the really embarrassing and fucked up stuff he knows about Bix, which could be a work, but probably isn't.
Anyways, the first like 20 episodes of 6:05 are pretty good and super informative about cool obscure wrestling stuff, until they get way too gimmicky Jewish, and Brian wants to do all this cringe Howard Stern shit. If you like when Corny talks old wrestling, you'll like 6:05, especially when they have Corny on the show.
Bix sucks, and is responsible for like half of the cancel culture in the IWC.