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You guys have fucking ruined me

No.14443774 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>My longtime friend invites me out for drinks
>This is a common occurrence, whatever
>However, as the night goes on he stops joking and laughing
>He looks like he's shaking and about to have a panic attack
>I ask him what's wrong
>He suddenly breaks down and begs me not to tell anyone
>I ask him what's gotten into him
>He keeps crying that nobody can know and he's telling me because he trusts me
>I tell him that he can say anything to me
>he takes a very deep breath and he tells me he was raped by some cartel gangsters while on vacation in Mexico back in 2017
>He said he felt weak and violated and he kept it a secret from everyone because he was scared they'd laugh at me
>The second I hear the word "rape" I think about Nashposting
>A laugh escapes me and I go KWAB
>Before my utterance is halfway finished I realized what the fuck I just did
>My friend looks furious, confused, and anguished all at the same time
>As I try to stammer out some kind of explanation, I just hightail it out the bar
>My friend begs me to come back but I hop in a taxi and tell the driver to take me abck home ASAP
>I've been calling and texting him for the past 4 days but he hasn't responded
You did this to me you bastards