>>14479077It was a terrible decision, but when E bought W, that meant pretty much EVERYONE who was on W's payroll was now on E's. That's a lot of fucking guys to take care of, and many of them like Stasiak just weren't that charismatic. Charisma is king in WWE, unless you've got a really good look like Benoit and booked like a killer. As for ones like Eddie, Benoit and the others before the collapse, I don't really know why, but they weren't given embarassing gimmicks. Were they mocked and ridiculed by top stars? Yes. But Eddie or Benoit never got a fucking retard gimmick like Saturn did, which I'm guessing Vince only did purely because of his lazy eye. Booker himself was also embarassed left and right, but he was always a hustler for the money. If you told him he had to dance in a tutu while singing kumbaya back then, he'd do it if was a good payout. That's the kinda man he was, and it's ironic, because when you ask about him not getting the belt against Triple H, he says he was fine with the payday since it was at Wrestlemania, but left WWE because of creative frustration with his King Booker character.