>>14532495wwe. gayew already had some of their roster in their prime like the Elite or Gay White, but they did nothing with them. Kenny Omega should be one of the biggest stars in the entire history & I say that as someone who hates gayew but that fudgepacking faggot did have potential as some kind of modern hybrid of Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels. He's not as great as either of them, but he shares the highs of both & lacks their lows. (He's not a drug addict, nor does he think too highly of himself.) What makes anyone think they'd do anything with a prime Jericho, Edge, Dean Ambrose or Punk? Whether Hulk could appeal to modern audiences is anyone's guess but people forget just how woke the USA was just a few years before the 80s, but he still blew up and was a part of mainstream 80s culture. A young 20s or 30s man who is similar to prime Hulk could probably provoke a similar reaction.
>>14532506oh yeah this, lol. I was still thinking it was Vince doing the booking. I dunno who'd win. Whomever sucks less. Hard to say because they're both shit