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It's time to have a chat

No.14560569 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Remember when this board was fun? E-roaches were pretty much completely eradicated, we could actually talk about PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING without a bunch of dumb BUT WHAT ABOUT DA BIZNESS, AEW Gamethreads were white hot? We laughed at Cody for being a complete failure? We were snapping along with Kenny Omega to the ring? Now it's just WWE GOOD LOL AEW BAD LOL and it makes me sick to my stomach that this board that was founded on AEW culture has been become this. This used to be THE board but I feel a lot of my fellow Elite-Chad anons got fed up and left...

So FUCK IT! Let's just be positive and discuss AEW here, fucken FANS only! Who else hyped up for Cage vs Swerve? It could be MOTY, amazing match up.