We're all going to die, anon. Think about the fact for a moment that you will one day be gone. The thoughts and feelings you have now will one day be gone, all of you. You will be nothing. You will not perceive your own non-existence because your dead brain will be unable to do so. Everything you have known, your memories, your experiences, your ups and downs will be gone. Whether you are remembered by others or not will have no significance to you because you will come to the great equalizer - death - and there is nothing after it. Think back to what you perceived, thought and felt before your birth, and that's what death will be again.
And as you think about this, I want you to wonder if your short time existing is worth spending making threads like this, but at the same time, you may reach the conclusion that doing this is worth no more or no less than anything to you, because in the end you die and return to nothing so what does it really matter to you what you do. Regretting things as you near death is futile, because you don't take any experience with you as you move on; your memories are gone with you. If you are comfortable and satisfied with the life you live, then that might as well be good enough. A life full of rich experiences is worth not more than one lived inside and on the internet when the culmination of life is reached. It's either sudden or it's gradual, but no one knows exactly when it will happen and there is no way to reflect upon the event after it happens. One minute you have cognizance; the next you do not.