>>14632457I never said the demo wasn't important.
But,the poster I was responding to implied AEW was in the top 2 or 3 shows on TV and it's not.
And you are also being misleading that 18 to 34 male demo is NOT the target demo for all of TV it's the target demo for sports. If you think it's the target demo for Desperate Housewives or Big Brother then you have no clue how TV demos work.
Also the 18 to 34 male demo is not the strongest demo even separated, As women watch far more TV than men.
AEW isn't anywhere near the most watched TV program.
It's not even the most watched wrestling show if you compare it to WWE.
There are so many hoops that AEW fans have to jump through to get that number 2 spot. All those hoops and caveats and they still can't get number 1 even when limiting stuff to Wednesdays and one demo.