>>14675748Pornography websites have videos with millions of views, but all their sponsors are porno trash instead of companies like Ford, Colgate or General Mills. Gee I wonder why that is? ...You fucking idiot. Wrestling is not a prestige product, it has to get 30, 50, 70% higher ratings than other shows to command similar advertising rates. AEW getting a .23 while NBA gets .35, NBA is going to get 2-3x higher ad rates.
The numbers also show that AEW's audience is skewing much older than previous, so that 18-50 holds even less weight when it's so heavily weighted towards the 50 end. We are in the age of analytics, companies like Nielsen have terabytes of data on viewer trends and behavior - some of it they publish, some if it is completely proprietary and only sold to the highest bidder. When you see WWE getting a massive raise to go back to USA, you should fucking pay attention and understand there's obviously things at play other than VIEWERSHIP and DEMO.
You say this dumb "you don't know what you're talking about" shit, but it's pure projection. You can't type paragraphs about SHIT because YOU are the one who doesn't goddamned know a fucking thing if you didn't read it in a Tweet from someone else. You haven't soaked in any knowledge whatsoever, you don't know how to synthesize info from different sources - all you do is parrot talking points.