>Book DIY vs A Train Down Under, but have it get pre-empted for another title match against, I don't know... Owens and Orton.
>Tomasso expresses his discontent with Gargano not pulling his weight in DIY.
>A Train Down Under gets squashed, primarily because of Waller's short temper being exploited.
>AJ Styles expresses interest in the tag division, but he doesn't want to tag with Gallows or Andersen for some reason.
>DIY vs A Train Down Under goes ahead as planned but there are now no titles on the line.
>It's hinted that Tomasso is going to turn on Gargano, and that's going to be the angle for the match.
>But suddenly, when Gargano and Theory are in the ring they both turn on their partners. The match ends in a DQ and Tomasso and Waller getting beat down. Theory and Gargano challenge for the titles and Orton and Owens accept.
>The honeymoon between Gargano and Theory fades fast and they are quick to remember all the reasons they hate eachother, but they're pretty sure they can win.
>Meanwhile AJ sizes the two of them up.
>In their title match, Theory and Gargano gain the upper hand with tag team wrestling skill, but it starts to break down midway, and then they're just two single wrestlers facing off against two better single wrestlers.
>That's when AJ comes in and heels on Orton and Owens for Theory and Gargano to get the win.
>They're both eyeing AJ, and AJ is looking back with dark inentions.
>They hold their belts up and it seems like all might be forgiven between the two. They were friends once, after all.
>But as they turn around with the belts, they both go to hit the other over the back of the head with their respective belt, and clash belt to belt. Shocked the other was cunning enough to think of the same plan.
>Next week they're wrestling for sole ownership of the tag championships, and to get to team up with AJ Styles who both men know will fill in for what they are lacking.