>>14701029If you want to do the whole "fake school shooting" schtick you should instead focus on the actual shooters and their intelligence connections (this is especially true for columbine) plus eye witness reports and inconsistencies in official reports. If I remember SH somewhat the inconsistencies are eye witness accounts of multiple shooters, dead shooters while shooting is still happening, rooms being cleared seemingly at the same time, bolt cutters through the back of the school etc. Something about underground tunnels to but that's more because someone on a report said "tunnel entry" which is odd.
Constantly banging on about crisis actors is the same as doing the whole 9/11 "muh thermite" thing or OKC "implanted bombs" thing, in that the way more interesting or convincing part of the conspiracy is in the inconsistencies with the official stories and the military/prison/cia/fbi/correctional facility connections. Like you'll figure out more about OKC if you know tim regularly met with jolly west or about who john doe most likely was than talking about bomb logistics.