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102KiB, 1500x1000, Stone-Cold-Steve-Austin-2-efaf29d75d124c9e8d007edfbb907116.jpg
Quoted By: >>14702654 >>14702665 >>14702672 >>14702677 >>14702685 >>14702694 >>14702705 >>14703087 >>14704380 >>14705954 >>14706002 >>14706393 >>14707235 >>14707371 >>14707970 >>14708275 >>14708850 >>14709124
His stuff really didn't age that well if you're not a 40 year old white american male
There's a reason Shawn Michaels is who everyone wanted to emulate and not him
There's a reason Shawn Michaels is who everyone wanted to emulate and not him