>>14712262>>14712399>>14712440Non-Communist academic here (not necessarily proud of: it's the best-suiting job for my profile and kinda the only job I can get but I never wanted to become a nerd by sacrificing all my social life: becoming a nerd was imposed by family as the only thing I was allowed to do was studying, no sports, no parties, no friends or girls, ever).
For how much they see themselves as knowledgeable (and most are, and many of them know really a lot of their field), absolutely most are brainwashed to worship Marxism (i.e. equality and so poors/minorities/immigrants/other "oppressed" groups because, you know, labor theory of value: struggler = valuable) and they know nothing about how they are buck-broken daily by the cabals with taxes, inflation, censorship... they all have TDS and want more government