>>14819070Holy shit OP, this is some crazy timing. something just happened today that I cannot even begin to explain. I was just offered $27,000 to get AIDS.
A little back story, Saturday they had a 'conservation rally' at my college (basically PETA and that shit, but tons of women) and among one of the topics was testing drugs on animals. There was a mention of new tests being done and using college students as lab rats. I found a flyer at one of the booths, and me being a poor bastard made an appointment to see what it was about (yes, for some reason my mind hoped it was some marijuana test of some sort)
Ok, so today I had the appointment at this small office with a doctor and a very very hot girl who was an assistant or something. I sat down and he started laying on the whole speech about how they are glad that college students are so supportive of advancing medicine and some shit befor he finally told me what was going on. Basically he said they were testing a new immunization type drug for stopping HIV from become full blown AIDS. They inject you with the drug and then they inject you with HIV positive blood (he said it could take 3-4 visits befor it takes sometimes because they use a real low ammount or something?).
I was absolutely shocked and really really thought it was some joke, but this guy was dead serious and even said they already found 7 students who have signed up. He aslo told me that for participating they would pay me $27,000 ($2000 up front and the rest over the testing peroid) as well full medical coverage for the next 5 years, and additional coverage afterwards if the drug did not take. Being the rational person I am I declined and got the hell out of there. But I might tell some of my friends to go for the lulz, they don't fucking beleive me.
Thats it, I just got home about 20 minutes ago and still am confused about this whole thing. Would any of you get AIDS if they paid you 27 grand??