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we mindbroke them and consumed their lives rent free

No.14835241 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lets review...
1. their meme dead, threads ignored, no meme growth, not going viral

2. they basically work for free 24/7 bumping these threads to keep
them on board... they are basically ribbing themsleves... this BTFO's nobody but THEM!!!!! it does nothing, they are not growing their meme, it's just wasting THEIR time lol

3. Wonder how long they can keep it up, they've already slacked bc few got archived before. But it is HIGHLY amusing that we have broke REAL PEOPLE into dedicating their life to keeping ignored threads on a dead board LOL to compensate for a dead meme they wasted life on

unless they go viral or doxing us for real we really could't care less, and even if they went viral (they wont) not really sure we would care, would have to see

but it's amazing how they don't get bored doing this, i'll give them that, although they always create headcanon to justify it, like pretending we care when we don't