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No.14836164 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
All of your Nash thread spam will result in is NOTHING. It's a big waste of time. You know this right? Unless you're growing your meme in real world you are losing BIGTIME. Again do it for the rest of your life... WE KNOW it will get you nowhere. You're not trolls. You just sad incels with no LIVES! you don't make us anything except bored a little. that's the truth.

You're all bitches who can't do jack shit to go viral. All those low IQ brains between you and NOTHING. WE DARE YOU TO GO VIRAL. You won't. That's how scared we are of you and your dead meme LOL. That's mean you are our BITCHES. Everyone of you in that sad little discord whose never had their cock gripped by a pussy.

LOL. It's crazy how you don't stop though. It's SUPER BORING and stale. You're going nowhere with it... if you were then FINE i could understand.... BUT YOUR LIFES WORK IS DEAD. Which makes you MORONS.