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Watched pic related last week

No.14904534 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Everybody is having a good time
>JBL and Booker start burying these modern faggots
>In a surprise turn, Mysterio starts agreeing with them and starts burying these shitters as well
>Nothing but absolute contempt on Booker's face
>Nothing but contempt on JBL's face
>Mysterio looks like he's contemplating many things, looks almost filled with regret
>Rest of the episode is of course the process of being forced to put over modern shitters despite them just burying these fuckers "oh so and so is SOOOOOOO great"

Unironically what's the smark cops for this? Literally everybody hates these modern faggots but smarks still insist everybody loves em. Even RVD made a gimmick out of burying these modern shitters in TNA around 2019, 2020. NOBODY likes modern shitters even the guys who "inspired" them.