>>14923025the shit like ducking under roundhouse kicks is why i can't stand most of those kungfu action movies like by john woo
it's the same ass choreography with people punching and dodging and blocking and hopping each others moves
the way i look at kung fu movies is the way i look at classical prowrestling vs nu flippy shit/overly choreographed wrestling
one is like a bruce lee movie where you can see its age but its work is simplistic and tells a story, albeit at times (jim) CORNY, through each move each character makes even if you can see some errors here and there both in filming and blocking, but you're not so distracted by that that it would ever disengage you from the movie itself
on the other hand is the flippy overly choreographed shit that's like the other example where all the fighting actors onscreen are moreso just dancing with each other through their moves, it looks cool if you're easily impressed by flashy routines, but that's all it is in the end, just a flashy routine to get some cheap action in for soiseal clapping inbetween the cheap narrative spots that don't really matter because the only reason they made this movie was to make "cool fight scenes"
that's wwe vs aew in my eyes