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No.14999120 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tony wanted me to write his song tonight but I would never be his mouthpiece
Cause Tony's like Harvey Weinstein
He takes his talent out to gay orgies
And for the past few weeks TK's been legitimately pissed
If you get stuck wanking your dog tonight Tony it's all in the wrist

Could we please have a week where you don't come out here and choke?
You may be in Wembley this summer, but right now your crowds a joke
Ever since I opened my mouth about the hardcam you been beggin me to back off
So if Tony and TK are the same person, I think y'all both are jackoffs
And after Warner cancels, you won't be making no more tv
You gon' need surgery on your face just like you had it on your peepee
That neovagina, it had more
work than a locker room full of girls like Saraya
I got a gift for Tone tonight, I'm'a give him a Cleveland Steamer
Just Enjoy Wrestling? He must be jesting, and the truth is gettin scary
Cause they weren't chanting "Tony" last week, they were chanting "dog wanking fairy"
Keep making fun of profitable companies Tony, 'cause I ain't even close to sick of it
I'm Mr. Fucking Real Pussy
You just the no-milly faggot
And no, no, I don't have a 7 stars from Meltzer, but I got somethin in their place
I'm'a beat yo' ass with a wrestling school
And put my biological nuts deadnaming you to yo' face!