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No.15014357 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Punk comes back
>Drew is mad because he doesn't think Punk deserves this warm welcome from everyone
>They say mean things to each other
>Punk eliminates Drew from the Rumble
>Drew's prayers for Punk to get injured are answered God
>Drew targets Punk's injured tricep to keep him shelved even longer
>Drews publicly smears Punks name every chance he gets and makes him look like a fucking fragile goof
>Drews beats Rollins
>Instead of celebrating with his wife he weirdly crawls on the announce table and flaunts it in front of Punk
>Punk beats him up and Preist cashes is
>Punk laughs maniacally like a psycho because he robbed a man of his dream
>Punk now publicly humiliating Drew every chance he gets (tables turned)
>Punk costs Drew ANOTHER title in his home country while his wife is in life saving emergency surgery
>Proudly declares that he fully intended to make Drew's life hell for as long as it took to get him to fuck off
>Drew beats the fuck out of him and makes him bleed like a bitch and sends him to the hospital then steals the wrist band that his wife AJ Lee made for him

I don't really see a heel or face here. I just see dimes