>>15022669With the amount he's being (over)paid, Page could retire tomorrow. Millions in investment, a farm, get some horses, just live out the next few decades at home and make occasional appearances at fan expos and things. I'll bet you he's strongly considering it already after a few concussions and other injuries.
I'm not shitposting when I say CM Punk has permanently damaged this man's career, as the other Anon said. Hangman can be a lot of things but he'll never be cool with a giant swath of the smark audience that still reveres Punk and the old guard (Orton, Undertaker, HBK, etc) - and that has to hurt. The Meltzer/NJPW/Bucks crowd love Hangman, sure. But there's millions of lapsed WCW/WWE/TNA fans, who only vaguely know about Hangman from Punk talking shit about him - and he can't recover from that unless and until he turns on the Bucks/Omega/Excalibur/PWG crowd and begs for forgiveness.
He chose this for himself so he gets no sympy from me. Loudly bragging about not following advice from veterans, going into business for himself against the fucking ONE GUY in wrestling HISTORY where you most don't want to do that. Guy really is a fucking empty-headed dumb fuck and I sincerely hope when he comes back from his vaginoplasty, he's able to fail of his own accord and not due to injury or illness. Nobody wants Hangman to return at 100% physically and mentally more than I do - but likely for different reasons.