>>15037769>>15041818True, even though I do appreciate 5 star bangers. The truth is that casual fans and non wrestling fans are attracted by stories, gimmicks and characters. The one thing that separated WWE from all its competitors was the ability to tell the best stories and make good characters.
>>15043756Matches matter, but only to hardcore fans. The point of the promos, gimmicks, etc is to SELL the match. The point of the matches are to turn you into a fan. This is why WWE calls itself SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT and not professional wrestling. Anyone can assemble a ring, put two guys in it and call themselves pro wrestling. But only WWE has the resources to make a TV product compelling enough to bring in new fans into wrestling. And just about all of us who follow / are aware of other promotions became wrestling fans through watching WWE.
>>15043762I loved that promo between them. It was good enough to get me hyped for the match on its own.