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Why is Hulk Hogan the most bashed mega star in wrestling history?

No.15049210 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Everybody takes pot shots at him, but nobody has ever been around him in more than a fan environment. They don’t know the real Hulkster.

>People love when the Iron Sheik shits on him on twitter, but they never question why or who actually tweets. Couldn’t it be seen as a bitter old man yelling at someone who won’t respond, or a petty social media coordinator who just likes spreading negativity?

>Is saying a word worse than beating your wife? Worse than killing your wife or child? Worse than strangling your boss behind closed doors?

>Didn’t Austin politic a shit ton? And Bret Hart, and Shawn Michaels, and Randy Orton, and John Cena, and I could continue. Why is that a Hulk Hogan trait people despise.

>Hulkster inspired a generation, donates to charities, and gives all his time back to his community nowadays. Dislike his politics, but he’s not a racist, nor is he a bad person.

>More recently, in Jan 2024, Hulkster saved the life of a teenage female Hulkamaniac.

>But everyone loves Ric Flair, who called everyone’s favorite SmackDown GM the n word. Seems like it’s been a smear campaign for 30 years hasn’t it? Can’t break the Hulkster, brother HH

>In the immortal words of the Hulkster:
Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot, marks

>Much love
- HH