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No.15060725 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
holyshit you guys are still wasting your time monitoring the board and samefagging ignored nash threads all day... wow... just goes to show you will never stop...

All that crap you say about they do it bc you respond was BULLSHIT. Because we haveb't responded hardly for days.

BUT we already knew this. Because you DID NOT stop when we left for 15 months and instead feuded with imginary boogeymen.

Regardless your meme is dead. It's just crazy how much time you waste posting fake gay shit about Nash. Nonstop 24/7 for basically ZERO in return other then threads we mock you with LOL.

how on eath you are no bored fo doing this is beyond me. guessing austism, and probs have shit life or live in shit country with no prospects, also don't get laid