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No.15099543 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>caring daddy of two
>married his girlfriend and took responsibility for knocking her up
>played football and did amateur wrestling in high school
>music career is a humble success that people enjoy
>paid his dues as a jobber, didn't pussy out
>Scott Hall put him over backstage whenever he did cool shit after he survived their brutal debut match
>actually paid the price for his substance abuse
>made CM Punk a motherfuckin' superstar in spite of him going into the business for himself over his wellness policy strikes
>will check on his adversaries if he suspects injuries
>didn't resent Sheamus for breaking his teeth with a Brogue Kick, went on his workout channel
>never blamed anyone
>always blamed himself for any shortcomings in his career
>never caused irreparable harm to anyone but himself
>and he did it all for the sake of giving people all over the world a good time in a life of troubles and tribulations
>did rap battles with Cena and RVD
He's not a perfect man, but he's a cool guy.