Reminder that Nashposting is simply a /leftypol/ organised psyop meant to combat the general right wing philosophy 4chan is associated with by pushing a meme centered around a conventionally handsome and masculine white man being emasculated by gay rape at the hands of some nogs. The flags are just VPN proxies. Yes, Nash is also a liberal left winger, but you forget that they love to eat their own and a liberal would be a perfect target for the meme because a right winger would be too on the nose. There's no Wolfie or Shankism or Hennimore or Lundy or whatever the fuck, just a bunch of white American and Euristan (Sweden, Germany, UK) communists with chopped off cocks, as well as a bunch of newfags who don't understand the connotations yet. They do this all over 4chan and the trannijannies and mods are completely in on it, seeing as how these threads and all other forms of leftwing psyop stay up for days.