Dwayne Johnson is a cannibalistic pedophile and member of the Polynesian Mafia. Dwayne Johnson is one of the most evil and destructive beings on the planet. He is vain, egomaniacal, idiotic, and extremely envious as well as being a child murdering cannibal. Dwayne Johnson has raped little boys and strangled them to death while raping them. That is what the NWO agenda is entirely about. He thinks by murdering and cannibalizing people that he will become god from it. It is completely obvious just on this image of Dwayne Johnson with his mouth open like this he is saying he is eating something. These psychos think rape, murder, and cannibalism is normal yet they won't admit it openly. Dwayne Johnson is at war with humanity. Dwayne Johnson is the most arrogant, idiotic, violent, and tyrannical psychopath on the planet. This psycho would murder every person on the planet if he could just to feed his ego. It doesn't make much sense to have this kind of ego when Dwayne is clearly a big bitch.
Dwayne Johnson made a Facebook post in Hawaii talking about mana and he claims its a Hawaiian word for spirit. Mana is a Biblical word and is what Moses and his followers ate in the desert. There is not much food in the desert. Moses and his followers ate people the forbidden fruit or mana. Man-a. Moses created a class system and made a portion of his followers cattle. When it says in the Bible that Moses split the sea it is a metaphor for him dividing society. A sea of people. The Massimo family refer to Dwayne as their domestic beast and they can trigger him in a second to go on a rampage fueled by jealousy because Dwayne Johnson is an insecure and pathetic genital eating douchebag and he knows it.