>>15139131No, there's not really a good wrestling analogy.
Captain Marvel helped kill the MCU because she turned up at the end of the arc and was essentially Poochie - a character inserted by a committee after a long saga who was instantly cooler and better and more powerful and more important than everybody else.
The audience rejected her because MCU had a carefully crafted story and due to non narrative reasons, she was inserted in.
The only analogy I can think of is the AWA and Greg Gagne. At the time if I can remember my history correctly, there were quite a few young and talented acts around who were just starting to simmer. But Verne Gagne pushed his son above them all and he picked up wins against Bockwinkel and others when he was still incredibly green. Even back then the audience called bullahit. They recognised that Greg Gagne wasn't ready and he was being pushed due to outside politics rather than earning his dues. Him coming in and looking super strong and a huge babyface while all these other more deserving talents were right in the middle of their build, hurt the company immensely. It was one of the reasons that many jumped to Vince. The audience called bullshit and started checking out.
Its not exactly the same but it's the most similar I can think of.