>>15156548yeah but even then priest would only be partially at fault because of a program dependency, but it's not something that exposes the business if he loses, it's just something that requires ...rewriting the scripteventhoughterritoriesdidnthavescriptsbecauseonlywritersmakescriptsnotbookers, refs not counting though means you just told us there's supposed to be something happening and it didn't happen and you're not supposed to let the audience know that, you've just disengaged the audience
music cue or not, yes it was a dumb call that didn't go as planned but do not ever not count unless there's a kick
like i remember there really was a female match where the ref had to count, and i think they had to write around that but the ref shouldn't be buried if someone doesn't kick out when they're supposed to and mistakes just happen that way, just hope that the mistake isn't one that screws up a big money maker program