>>15183849I don't know what it is with the 2010-2012 years, but the roster was just terrible. Ziggler, Sandow, Ziggler, all the Nexus retards, Rusev of course. These guys were just dimeless. Its no wonder Cena shined through. I'd argue people were not actually hating Cena, but praying for someone else to come to fill out the roster. Its a weird situation, in which Cena's both your only top guy worthy talent, but you also can't push anyone to his level.
2016-2020 is pretty similar now that I think about it. You got a completely shit roster, with Roman as the only one with potential, a part-timer doing the same shtick over and over until it just got plain boring (I fell asleep during Brock matches, sorry to say, but he got fucking boring in 2015, watching him do the same shit in 2017 was a slog).
I get why people are worshiping Haitch. Just look at the roster now. You've got a great babyface in Cody, Roman's still around, LA Knight, Solo, Gunther... all those guys have massive main event appeal. And you still got old guys hanging around like Orton, Sheamus, Cena for awhile still. Its a fucking godsend compared to 2010-2012 and 2016-2020. And 2013-2015? HHH kept things alive with the Authority and chickenshit heel Rollins was actually good, very unlike current Rollins.