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TEW IX Dev Blog Day 14

No.15265584 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Day 13 >>15258137

Career Goals
>This is something that has been requested pretty often in the suggestions forum over the years; every worker can now (optionally) have a specific career goal to work towards. Whatever their current goal is impacts their behaviour within the game world, such as affecting who they want to work for and how they evaluate contracts. A worker's current career goal can alter over time as his or her circumstances change and can also be preset via the editor.

>The selection of possible goals include: basic wants like Fame, Money and Stability that really affect their contract demands; more general desires like Social (wanting to be with their friends), Wanderlust (wanting to explore the world) and Novelty (wanting to work for companies they've never worked for before); those that relate to how they see themselves contributing to the game world like To Entertain, To Wrestle, or wanting to achieve Hardcore Notoriety; and a series of goals that relate to wanting to work in specific game areas, such as Americanophile, Luchaphile, or Japanophile.

>Each goal can be one of three levels, with the higher then level the more the career goal impacts their decision making.

>These new goals add to the realism and make characters feel more three-dimensional. As they change from game to game, it also means that you should see more variance about which companies different workers end up working for.

Alliance Loans
>In previous games there were restrictions on how many times within a set time frame that the same worker could be loaned via an alliance and how many times a company could loan workers from a specific other company. These restrictions have been completely removed for the new game. This gives a big boost to how useful alliances are and opens up the possibility of making much heavier use of outside talent on shows. The AI also takes this into consideration and will generally be more proactive about working with their alliance partners.