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TEW IX Dev Blog Day 15

No.15273035 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Day 14 >>15265584

Pre-Show Build Up
>(Just a note, but I'm aware that the first two entries may be a bit hard to visualise without actually being able to experience them directly; apologies in advance if they're not clear enough. I've done my best with the descriptions!)

>When the user enters the evening phase to book a show, what they encounter has now been totally redone in order to make it a little more structured and to remove some of the annoying loopholes / immersion-breaking logic issues that were previously present. This takes the form of seven steps, taken in sequence, with a clear purpose to each. They are as follows.

>Give The Night Off - In this first step the user can choose to give (or more accurately, "to have given" - it's assumed that this is happening well in advance of the show) any number of people on their roster the night off. This gives them advance warning that they are not needed (which is always a neutral action and does not impact their morale negatively) and so they don't travel to the venue. People given the night off are (obviously) unavailable to book for the show, don't have any impact on the locker room (e.g. they cannot influence the atmosphere, become involved in incidents, etc), and won't complain about being left off the show. Because you've told them in advance they're not needed, they are free to work any other show taking place that night, whether for a company they also work for or an independent gig, instead.