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TEW IX Dev Blog Day 16

No.15300397 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Day 15 >>15273035

Organic Biographies
>The organic biography feature (for those unfamiliar, this is where the game creates and updates a worker's biography as the game progresses rather than sticking to a static pre-written version) has undergone a significant change in that the content is now created "on demand" whenever a specific biography appears on screen. While this is an invisible change in terms of what you, the user, will see, its significance is that this completely eliminates the loading time bump that they used to create. This means that databases that make use of this feature will have much improved performance in their between-days loading times.

AI Managers
>By popular request, AI-controlled companies now make use of managers in the same way that a player would - i.e. you'll see managers take on new clients, drop old clients, etc. This helps make AI-controlled companies feel more realistic and makes managers, who were mostly sidelined in previous games, take on a more important role.

Visible AI Pushes
>When viewing an AI-controlled company's roster, the user can now see (where appropriate) lines of text that identify how the AI is currently planning to use that worker. For example, you might see that an older worker is "Being phased out due to declining skills", that a young up-and-comer is "Receiving a push as a rising talent", or even that someone has ended up "In the dog house". Previously this information was hidden. The effects of these pushes is that it increases or decreases a worker's "score" when the AI is calculating who wins matches, so they make people more or less likely to be the victor. As such, this change adds a little bit of extra colour to the game world.