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TEW IX Dev Blog Day 17

No.15310376 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Day 16 >>15300397

Setting TV Location
>By popular request, television shows can now have their location fixed to a specific area, region, and / or venue, just like events. This is useful for many real world scenarios where a company had a specific place they always held their tapings. As usual, this can be preset via the editor or done in-game, and, like events, the user is not restricted to following the instructions if they don't want to.

Geographical Title Belts
>In another often-requested addition, title belts can now be set to only be defended in specific areas and regions. As well as all the usual areas and regions, there are also several specific preset combos of common sense groupings that can be used, such as North America, America & Canada, America & Mexico, the Commonwealth, or Japan & Hawaii, which cover situations that might occur in reality. This change allows several real world scenarios to be simulated that were previously impossible to do.

Clashing Coverage
>The broadcasting 'clashing coverage' block (which used to prevent you showing content on two broadcasters where they had overlapping coverage) has been modified to take into account the difference between PPV vs non-PPV content. This gives the system a little more subtlety and allows companies owned by a media entity more options and flexibility; for example, an American company owned by a TV station could now try and get a contract with a PPV broadcaster to broadcast their events in the US, which previously would have been an unavailable option.